The Disenchantment, 2023
Behind the mask of hospitality lies a constant cover-up of toxic mechanisms, either from the tip-wage system or power abuses by management. This performance highlights the unspoken realities within the service industry. While at work, servers are forced to maintain a perfect image of the place, but upon leaving that environment, the facade fades away, and awareness of systemic abuse takes center stage. It captures what waitstaff would like to express beyond the limitations of their job, providing a glimpse into their experiences behind the smiling facade This work serves as a call to society to recognize the silent struggles of those who serve and advocate for change in the service industry.
The performer will alternate between walking and standing, dressed in a uniform comprising a white button-down shirt, black pants, and an apron. In her hand, she will hold a small black tray (measuring 11 inches) with a plate on top. Both the tray and the plate feature a mysterious black void in place of the food. This void is connected to a funnel-like structure that ends with a tube attached to her mouth. A subtle sound symbol above the plate provides a hint to observers that there is a sound emanating from within the hole. Only by approaching the plate closely can one hear the sound.